Use VMware to install CentOS 4.8 on windows 7
Step 1: Install vmware-toolbox on linux, not sure what this toolbox is useful??
network --> bridged mode, very slow? How about hostonly and NAT? What's the tradeoff?
Now using bridged mode and works OK.
Step 1.1: Make sure sshd service is on. And install putty in PC so that can remote control.
Step 1a: If need to install the latest update, do “yum update”. However, this may not be necessary
Step 1b: Some rpm package is NOT in the default repo (check /etc/yum.repo.d). Need to install other rpm repo.
Some popular rpm repo: rpmforge (e.g. mercurial), Ruby.repo (Ruby jam)
==> rpmforge:
A. Get
B. rpm --import (get the GPG key)
C. rpm -K rpmforge-release-0.5.2-2.el5.rf.*.rpm (verify the package A)
D. rpm -i rpmforge-release-0.5.2-2.el5.rf.*.rpm --> check /etc/yum.repo.d/rpmforge.repo exist
Step 2: Install VNC server on linux, very useful tool. However, need to change default twm to gnome-session. Install ultravnc or realvnc on PC.
Very useful tool: Host: need to change /etc/sysconfig/vncservers; Make sure vncserver serivce is running, and editing .vnc/xstartup file.
Can use netstat -lt to check the tcp port status.
It's very useful that pc copy and paste can use directly on linux. Just run "vncconfig" in linux and make sure all options are checked and keep the vncconfig ON ALL TIME then it works!!
(make sure the correct setting on unltravnc and realvnc are checked, too)
2a: Editing /etc/sysconfig/vncservers file to support multiple users, window size, and resolutions:
### /etc/sysconfig/vncservers #################
VNCSERVERS="1:root 2:alu 3:atd"
VNCSERVERARGS[1]="-geometry 800x600"
VNCSERVERARGS[2]="-geometry 1024x768 -depth 24"
VNCSERVERARGS[3]="-geometry 800x600"
2b: Use putty login as root, alu, atdl; setting password for each users (very important!! Otherwise service won’t start).
2c: Start the vnc service as root ==> service vncserver restart
2d: Check system->Administration->Security Level and Firewall->other ports –> add 5901,5902,5903
2d: use putty login, editing /home/alu/.vnc/xstartup as follows:
centos4:~/.vnc> more xstartup
# Uncomment the following two lines for normal desktop:
exec /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc
#[ -x /etc/vnc/xstartup ] && exec /etc/vnc/xstartup
#[ -r $HOME/.Xresources ] && xrdb $HOME/.Xresources
#xsetroot -solid grey
#vncconfig -iconic &
#xterm -geometry 80x24+10+10 -ls -title "$VNCDESKTOP Desktop" &
#twm &
One annoying thing is hostname doesn't seem to work. Need to use IP address for putty and vnc. However, the IP address is dynamically changed because it's from DHCP server. How to set hostname instead of using IP address?
I did the following but not working. How PC can know the hostname?
First, set the hostname, e.g. : centos5 system->administration->network->DNS->Hostname->centos5
This is corresponding to /etc/sysconfig/network: HOSTNAME
Then, system->administration->network->Devices->Edit->Hostname (optinal): –>centos5
This is corresponding to /etc/sysconfig/network-script/ifcfg-eth0: DHCP_HOSTNAME –> centos5
Then, system->administration->network->Devices->Edit->DNS:
This is corresponding to /etc/resolv.conf
Step 3: Install Samba server on centos. Samba server is not default on in centos. Need to use yum install samba first.
Please refer to vbird's suggestion for configuration. Samba is based on NetBIOS, not tcp/ip. It seems to avoid the hostname problem.
step 3(a): yum install samba --> rpm –qa to check samba (samba-common, samba, samba-client)
step 3(b): edit /etc/samba/smb.conf
step 3(c): create smbpasswd: touch smbpasswd
step 3(d): smbpasswd –a alu (to add password to smbpasswd)
step 3(e): disable SELinux (important!!!)
step 3(f): /etc/rc.d/init.d/smb restart (start the samba server)
Step 4: start license server related service in /etc/rc.local
git: Check git during centos installation? If not pre-installed:
$ rpm -Uvh
$ yum install --enablerepo=webtatic git-all
kompare: Check KDE environment during centos installation. Or install kompare inside of latest kde rpm. Do
$ rpm -ivh ... kde ..
kdiff3: same as kompare, but more powerful. Get the rpm directly from web.
xls2csv: convert Excel file into csv file. There are two versions. One is from catdoc; the other from CPAN (perl). The one from CPAN is better in my opinion.
Ruby: Check ruby during centos installation. rubygems: gnuplot, fastercsv
Python: Check python during centos installation. However, the default python of centos or redhat is not the updated version (1.7.x). For scientific computing or other applications, it is highly recommended to use EPD (Enthought) version instead. The EPD version is installed in a separate directory, not replacing the default version. Remember to set the path in .tcshrc or .bashrc to invoke the EPD version.
Perl: Check Perl during centos installation.
CAD 有關軟體
* ns3:
* Composer: make sure to set /etc/sysconfig/vncservers ==> xwindows setting is 24-bits or pseudo 8-bit
* Sanwork: make sure to "yum install openmotif" to avoid the error of not finding
* Vppsim (from MIT MIke Perrott)
do yum install gcc-c++ to install g++
To run license of Calibre, Adit,
1. start with host mode
2. Do /tools/ixl_cal_2007.4_21.19/ (in bsh, not tcsh) to change mac id
3. Do tcsh to change to tcsh
4. Do source CALIBRE.cshrc
5. Do clic_start to start mentor related license
Step 5: Script 和 Web 有關軟體
* Ruby: centos comes with default ruby. However, it is helpful to install rubygems, gnuplot, and other gems.
Please refer to web how to install them. yun install ruby ruby-gems (?) ruby-devel ..
* RoR (Ruby on Rail): same as above
* Apache2 and CGI.
yum install httpd ruby ruby-devel
* then need to use make install to install mod_ruby to enable the CGI working. (same for Python and Perl).
* Use amrita for html output generation. It's easy for viewing purpose
Step 6: Support ntfs file system (終於考定, another trouble maker is…)
CentOS doesn’t support NTFS file system natively, nor extFAT (Microsoft proprietary). It is troublesome to read external hard drive (mostly NTFS). Even though most USB drives are still using FAT that centos supports. However, there is a 2G(?4G) limitation on FAT file size. It makes things difficult to do external backup in step 7.
Therefore, it is important to make centos to support NTFS file system. It is particularly troublesome for CentOS4. Be careful on the following steps. Reference:
It needs to include the fuse kernel module into kernel. 因此會需要 fuse, fuse-ntfs-3g, dkms, dkms-fuse. CentOS5.4 and newer has included fuse kernel module. Therefore, no need for dkms and dkms-fuse.
If you do: yum install fuse fuse-ntfs-3g dkms dkms-fuse
It will not find anything because these rpm files are not centos default repo. These rpm files are in rpmforge.
(1) First, download rpmforge rpm-release from:
(2) After that, run: rpm –ivh rpmforge-release-xxx
(3) yum install fuse fuse-ntfs-3g dkms dkms-fuse
(4) check if the running version matches with kernel
uname –r to check the current running kernel
rpm –qa | grep kernel\* | sort to check the kernel and kernel-devel
It may require to do: yum update kernel to make it match. Make sure to reboot the machine. Debug:
(5) do /sbin/modprobe fuse if there is no error message, it is ok.
(6) From chome VM page, check USB mass storage. On PC, the external hard drive disappears.
(7) Do mount –t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /export/usb to mount external drive
(8) Do fdisk –l to check the parition
(9) Do umount /deve/sda1 to un-mount the external hard drive
Step 7: setup external backup
Follow bird’s suggestion: