之前在 linux (including using Raspberry pi) 作了一些 Machine Learning (ML) 的試驗。用了 OpenCV, Caffe.
自從 Google promote TensorFlow 之後。一直想再試一試。之前都是想用電競的主機或 notebook. 考慮價格高同時設定比較麻煩。因此開始留意幾家 cloud service providers.
包含 Google (Google Cloud Platform - GCP), Amazon (AWS), Ali (阿里雲), Microsoft (Azure).
最後選用 GCP 主要是 (1) TensorFlow 就是 Google 提供,相容性應該最好。 (2) 有 300 hour free trial.
I checked on the web, following the following link on Udacity example
Step 1.
Register in Google Cloud Platform -- easy if you have google account already.
Create a project : My First Project (default)
Step 2: Click on the "Activate Google Cloud Shell" on the top right button.
Step 3: in the shell window
List machine types:
> gcloud compute machine-types list
Step 4: Create an instance (VM?)
> gcloud compute instances create tf --image container-vm --zone asia-east1-c --machine-type n1-standard-2
=> tf is the name of the VM? (image container) The container-vm is deprecate.
=> asia-east1 can change to europe or us-west or us-east
=> n1 type computer and 2 CPUs
Step 5: copy a tensor flow example from Udacity
sudo docker run -d -p 8888:8888 --name tf b.gcr.io/tensorflow-udacity/assignments:0.5.0
Step 6: Find the instance in the dashboard and edit default network
Too hard to get it works.
Finally I made one work in “google Interactive Tutorial” 中的 “my-instance” VM.
I install anaconda2 and anaconda3, and tensor flow on anaconda3.
Back to wordpress first. 參考梅問題教學網
以下是 wordpress 的 ip address and paswd.
Finally I found the "Getting Started with Google Cloud Platform"