2016年3月19日 星期六

Raspberry Pi 3 記錄


繼上次買 Raspberry Pi 1, 這次又買了 RP 3.  

RP3 最大的好處: (1) 4 核且 1.2GHz, 是 CA53 ARM 64-bit processors; (2) 板上有 WiFi + BT (from Broadcom, too?).  其它和之前的 RP 應差異不大。


Step 1:  (MicroSD card)

I bought 32G Kingston microSD card (UHS ..   U3) 號稱 80MB/s write and 90M/s read speed.  不過我用 RP3 測試只有 20MB/s, 應該是 PR3 performance limitation.

Download NOOBS zip file, decompress to microSD card.   用此 boot 自動會 install Raspbian OS (derivative of Linux Debian).


Step 2: (installation Raspbian 4.1.18-v7+, based on Debian Jessie version); armv7l 32-bit instruction set!!!  

1. 設定 keyboard layout from UK to US.

2. 設定 WiFi AP

3. Update Raspbain to the latest update

$ sudo apt-get update  (update apt-get inself)

$ sudo apt-get upgrade  (upgrade all packages)


Step 3: (Install 中文顯示和輸入)

請參考葉難的 blog.

$ sudo apt-get update

$ sudo apt-get install ttf-wqy-microhei ttf-wqy-zenhei xfonts-wqy

$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales

繁體中文的部份,我選了三個zh_TW BIG5、zh_TW.EUC_TW EUC-TW、zh_TW.UTF-8 UTF-8。



$ sudo apt-get install scim scim-tables-zh scim-chewing




Step 3: (Remote Desktop)   Raspberry Pi 的 default username: pi   passwd: raspberry --> change to aluxxx4

可以用 VNC or microsoft remote desktop.  因為 mac 也可以在 app store download microsoft remote desktop.  因此先 install xrdp.

$ sudo apt-get install xrdp --> mac 端必須 download Microsoft remote desktop.  見 xxx blog.

--> mac 可以直接用 microsoft remote desktop, 不用 download any software!!

不過連 ping 都不 work, 上網卻 ok.   $ ping www.google.com --> icml open socket: operation not permitted

-->  $ sudo chmod u+s /bin/ping  --> ping ok and ssh ok and remote desktop ok!!!

ip addr:


Install VNC server 就先 delay. 


Install miniconda python (2016/?)

不知何時 install miniconda python.


Install Camera Module (2016/04/16)

主要想做一些 computer vision 有關的應用,從淘寶買了 Element 14 官方版的 camera module (RMB$95 + RMB$20 shipping).

Install camera module 可以參考葉難的 article.


$ sudo apt-get update 
$ sudo apt-get upgrade
$ sudo raspi-config


$ raspistill -o image.jpg -t 1000

-o指定輸出檔名,-t指定預覽時間(單位為千分之一秒),你會在螢幕上看到預覽畫面。如果你發現相片左右或上下顛倒,可加入參數-hf(horizontal flip)與-vf(vertical flip)調整。



$ raspivid  -o video.h264 -t 20000


可以用 omxplayer video.h264 來顯示 video. 

omxplayer 會利用 BRCM SoC 內的 BRCM GPU to play H.264 影片。

如果用 VLC player, 軟解無法正確顯示 video!!!


$ ffmpeg -r 30 -i video.h264 -vcodec copy outputfile.mkv


$ avconv -r 30 -i video.h264  outputfile.avi


Install Bluetooth (2016/04/16)

Follow the article in element 14.

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get upgrade

sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

sudo dpi-update --->  update the firmware


>> then reboot 

sudo apt-get install pi-bluetooth >> show it's already installed in the new firmware

sudo apt-get install blueman

>> then reboot and the bluetooth icon shows


>> then reboot and the bluetooth icon disappear!!



Install Camera Software Codec and OpenCV

$ sudo apt-get install -y picamera

$ sudo apt-get install -y vlc

$ sudo apt-get install -y gpac mplayer

$ sudo apt-get install -y mencoder  (# obsolete!!)

$ sudo apt-get install -y python-opencv



