2015年11月20日 星期五

Caffe - Deep Learning Tool Installation


Deep Learning 有幾種常用的 Tools

* Caffe based on C, but with Python interface: UC Berkeley 開發。Google, CEVA 使用。Mainly for image.

* Torch based on Lua (ANSI C): NYU 開發。Facebook AI and Google use it.

* Theano and Pylearn based on Python : University of Toronto

* TensorFlow: Google

* SystemML: IBM


本文主要 focus 在如何設定 Caffe.  

Caffe 幾個特點:

底層是 C (and C++?) 所以速度很快。不過可以用 python (even ipython) 做成 interface.  所以用起來容易。

Protobuf:  from Google, for easy and fast data structure.

LMDB: from SAMS, for lightning database

HDF5: from xxx, for database.


OS (Ubuntu 14.04 64bit)

我用 Microsoft surface pro 3 with windows 10.  不過為了方便 try-and-error, 我用 VMware workstation player 12 with guest OS:  Ubuntu 14.04 (64-bit)

Install Ubuntu on VMware workstation player 12

* First install VMware workstation player 12 (free)

* Ubuntu 部份:

update Ubuntu’s update --> Yes.

sudo apt-get install tcsh --> No need, just use bash

sudo apt-get install unit-tweak-tool (to increase terminal font size) --> No need, use system setting: displays: scale 1.5 instead!

sudo apt-get install samba  (1. edit /etc/smb-conf; 2. smbpasswd -a alu; 3. smb start)  -->  No need.

-> update Ubuntu 之後,重新 reboot 會有 could not apply the stored configuration for monitors 


Once logged in change your directory to .config folder in your home directory.

cd .config

Rename monitors.xml file to monitors.xml.bkp. In here, we are keeping a backup file just to play safe.

mv monitors.xml monitorx.xml.bkp


Ubuntu Installation

General dependencies

sudo apt-get install libprotobuf-dev libleveldb-dev libsnappy-dev libopencv-dev libhdf5-serial-dev protobuf-compiler sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends libboost-all-dev

CUDA:  download from Nvidia (only 64-bit).  如果沒有 GPU 可省略。

BLAS:  使用 ATLAS :  

sudo apt-get install libatlas-base-dev

Remaining dependencies 14.04:

sudo apt-get install libgflags-dev libgoogle-glog-dev liblmdb-dev



Python 部份最好後處理


Caffe Installation

Download from Github

* cp Makefile.config.sample Makefile.config

* Edit Makefile.config

Set 1:  CPU only, no python layer link.  不支持 pycaffe

make all;  make test; make runtest  ---> OK  (只要先不 install python)



Python (for pycaffe interface)

sudo apt-get install python-dev  ----> NONONONO!!!!

不過問題是沒有 numpy.  所以需要 install pip (python package management) and maybe not virtuenv (for coexist of python 2.7 and python 3.x) --> NO!

—> 最直接是只用 python 2.7 且 install Anaconda Python (similar to Enthought python), 不要做 sudo apt-get install python-dev! 



Linux Anaconda Installation

  1. Download the installer.
  2. After downloading the installer, in your terminal window execute for Python 2.7.10
    bash Anaconda2-2.4.0-Linux-x86_64.sh
    Anaconda2-2.4.0 是 2.7.10
    Anaconda-2.0.0 是 2.7.6  (OK, but need conda upgrade xxx) 

      bash Ana… .sh  to install anaconda python  


      Option A: 2.4.0 --> (python 2.7.10)   ====>  NOT GOOD !!!

      2.4.0 (python 2.7.10) in /home/alu/anaconda2  

      Back to caffe and uncomment python part --> make clean; make all; make test OK; but make runtest with error:

       libhdf5_hl.so.10 not found.  


 ==> Option B: 2.0.0 --> (python 2.7.6) in /home/alu/anaconda  ====>  GOOD 

      No error 


      >  condo update conda

      > pip install protobuf


     > make pycaffe



How to Use or Verify Python?

Use ipython notebook (in caffe-master directory)





Install boost for python!??  no


Error when running ipython notebook

No module name google.protobuf.internal

> pip install protobuf



> make all; make test ok. but make runtest failed.  no libhdf5_hl.so.10 not found.  只有在 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libhdf5_hl.so.7  (這是在 general dependencies 時 install libhdf5-serial-dev 時 Ubuntu 的 default python 是 2.7.6 (?).  但 Anaconda python 是 python 2.7.10.

  Ubuntu built-in python lib seems to be out-of-date.   Solution:

  - install Anaconda python package, and check the location of libhdf5_hl.so.10  一般是在 ~/anaconda/lib

  - export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=“$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:~/anaconda/lib”  —> work now.

 - 需要把 python search path 也設到 .bashrc (anaconda install 自動加入) or .tcshrc; 以及 LD_LIBRARY_PATH

 - 檢討是否還是用 equival 來 install 不同版本的 python.

-  重新整理 .bashrc, .bash_aliases, and .tcshrc —> add python search path and LD_LIBRARY_PATH

 —> 不過 LD_LIBRARY_PATH 的設定後反而後讓 make all failed!  所以只能在已 compile 之後才加上。


Set 2:  CPU only, with python link.  has problem!!







