2013年8月23日 星期五

Mac OS X Mountain Lion 常用軟體 for engineer

I am writing this mainly for engineering development purpose. 工欲善其事,必先利其器。

Step 1: Xcode (download from App)

Step2: Install command line .. (CI?)    --> For gcc, etc. 

In the terminal window,  check gcc –v   (4.2.1 or later)

Then in the command window:

There seems to be a better way from Xcode app to install CI


Step3: Install Homebrew (and wget : no use?)

            $ brew list (list all installed packages)

Step4: Install emacs: brew install emacs

Step5: Install git (with penssl)

Step6: Install ruby with rvm (NOT use brew?)

Step7: Install python and virtualenv (use brew)

Python package management tool:  easy_install (old) and pip (new).  pip can uninstall package.  Use pip always.

Similar to “rvm” in ruby, python has “virtualenv” to install and manage different version/environment of python.

$ brew install python  --with-brewed-openssl   (install Python 2.7 and link to openssl?)

$ brew linkapps  (to link IDLE, python-launch to GUI)

$ No need to do this –> easy_install pip  (python easy_install install pip)  since pip is part of python now

$ sudo pip install --upgrade setuptools

$ sudo pip install --upgrade pip

$ pip install virtualenv (python pip install virtualenv)


Step8: Install numpy, scipy, matplotlib, and ipython under virtualenv

          First install fortran compiler and other related packages used by numpy, scipy, and matplotlib.

$ brew install gfortran

$ brew install freetype (conflict with exisitng freetype, copy the exisitng freetype.dylib to local/old!!)

$ brew install zmq

$ brew install libpng


Then install numpy, scipy, and ipython under virtualenv

$ … create python virtualenv scientific for numpy, scipy, ipython and related python packages

How to create python virtualenv?

$ mkdir .virtualenvs

$ cd .virtrualenvs

$ virtualenv scientific  --> create a python2.7 virtualenv, use -p python3 for python3

add the following lines in .bash_profile  (DO NOT put in .bashrc, mac terminal not using it!!)

# virtualenv should use Distribute instead of legacy setuptools
# Centralized location for new virtual environments
export PIP_VIRTUALENV_BASE=$HOME/.virtualenvs
# pip should only run if there is a virtualenv currently activated
# cache pip-installed packages to avoid re-downloading
export PIP_DOWNLOAD_CACHE=$HOME/.pip/cache

## virtualenv for python version management
source /Users/alu/.virtualenvs/scientific/bin/activate

Then do the following to install numpy, scipy, etc.

(scientific)$ pip install numy

(scientific)$ pip install scipy

(scientific)$ pip install matplotlib

(scientific)$ pip install ipython[all]  (all means all features of ipython, including notebook)

(scientific)$ iptest (run ipython test suite)


Step8: Install matlab (ck version)


Other desktop software

Google Chrome

OpenVanilla (Yahoo key key 大易)



HoRNDIS (for USB to Android cell phone)


HP printer driver (LaserJet)


Step x: Install Qumana and Marsedit for blogger

Qumana only works for WordPress, but not working for Blogger.

Marsedit works both for WordPress and Blogger.  However, it crashed sometimes.

Step x+1: Install MacTex and TexShop for Latex related editing tasks.

